LCD - Liquid Crystal Display: liquid crystal display.
2. LLCD - Low LCD: cryogenic liquid crystal display.
3. ST LCD - Sony& Toyato LCD: Liquid crystal display of Sony and Toyota cooperation technology.
4. CF - Color Filter: color filter.
5. TFT - Thin Film Transistor: thin film wafer.
6. COF - Chip on Film: leather line connected to IC.
7. COG - Chip On Glass: IC connected to glass panel.
8. FOG - Film On Glass: Paste leather line on glass panel.
9. ACF - Anisotropic Conductive Film: hetero-square guide film.
10. FPC - Flex Pc: soft leather thread.
11. BL - Back Light: backlight plate.
12. FOF - Film On Film: leather line connected to leather line.
13. FC - Flicker Check: flicker check.
14. BM - Black Matrix: black border.
15. HTB - High Temperature Bias: high temperature action (same as HTU).
16. LTB - Low Temperature Bias: cryogenic action (same as LTU).
17. THB - Temperature Humidity Bias: high temperature and high humidity (same as HHU).
18. HTS - High Temperature Store: high temperature preservation (same as HHU).
19. LTS - Low Temperature Store: Cryopreservation (same as HHU).
20. TBs - Temperature Humidity Store: high temperature and high humidity preservation (same as HTH).
21. TC - Thermal Cycle: temperature shock (same as TS)